Adventures on Western Pennsylvania's hiking, biking, and water trails.
Rambling on.
ram·ble (ram'bel)
1. a: to wander around in a leisurely, aimless manner b: to explore idly without any special goal c: my favorite type ofpaddling trip
My wife, Robbin, and I have found that our best trips have been the ones with the least amount of planning and no set destination. These "rambles" could consist of an all day paddle up an outflow creek, just to see where it goes, an after work paddle down our local river before dinner to destress after a long work day, or a hike or bike ride to a special place where we can sit and listen to water cascading over the rocks and clear our heads . We throw the kayaks or bikes in the truck, grab the camera, and make a decision in route.
We are blessed here in South Western Pennsylvania with a bounty of beautiful lakes, rivers, and forests. As we meander around our area's hiking, biking, and water trails, I'll use this blog to share our experiences through descriptions and photographs. I'm not a trained wordsmith, so I'm a little concerned about fitting the second definition of ramble.
2. to talk or write in a desultory or long-winded wandering fashion
I hope you'll enjoy "Rambling On" and find it useful. I'll welcome all comments, and critcism.
Loyalhanna Lake - October 21 - The Beauty Of Autumn
These images speak for themselves. They were taken at various places around Loyalhanna Lake. Some are from Loyalhanna Creek below the dam, some are from the fishing beach near the dam, some are from a small ravine near the recreational area, and some are from the campground area. There are a lot of beautiful spots all around the lake, if you look for them.
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