Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Roaring Run Trail & Rock Furnace Trail - 2013

My latest adventures have been "photo rambles". My wonderful wife bought me my first Digital SLR camera and I've been wandering on a couple of our area's beautiful trails practicing my photography skills. Fortunately she also got me the very aptly titled book " Canon EOS Rebel T3i for Dummies". Hopefully this will speed my learning curve (lots of information to take in!!). If you click on the waterfall it will take you to my Picasa Photo Album for Roaring Run Trail and Rock Furnace Trail.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Things I've Learned (The Hard Way)

1. When using a drill to mount anything on your kayak, pay attention and be very careful. It's obvious
from this photo that I did neither.

2. If you are going to be careless with your kayak there are some things that you should definitely invest in.

A plastic welding iron.

A heat gun.

HDPE welding filler material.

With some good advice from Wind & Water Boatworks, and an hour watching YouTube videos on kayak repair (there's a video for every situation), I managed to plastic weld my hole closed.

She ain't pretty....but she'll float!