I read two news stories earlier in the week that caused me to pause and think about how dangerous paddling can be at this time of year if you're not properly prepared. The first story was a tragedy. The second had a happy ending but could have very easily ended tragically as well.
I read the first story on North Carolina paddler Mike West's Durhamblogger blog.

The second story took place very close to home on a section of the Kiski River that I am very familiar with.

After a long winter the call to get back on the water can be very powerful. I'll admit that I looked at the Kiski that same weekend and told Robbin I was considering going for a paddle. Fortunately she had more good sense than me at that time. She quickly pointed out what a bad idea that was. As the two stories point out...it's very easy to get into trouble very quickly. My son found out last Summer just how quickly you can flip a kayak in the Kiski. He hit a submerged rock, the kayak turned sideways, and the Kiski's strong current turned him over before he could react. If you can't wait for warm temperatures and decide to give into the call of the water early in the year, you should be prepared.
I like to start paddling in late March (weather permitting), but I stick to the local lakes until the river levels fall and the water clears. By then the temperature of the water has risen to a safer level. I've outfitted myself to paddle in colder water and take some things with me that I think are essential.
One of the most important things you should know, especially in colder weather is cotton is your enemy!

Two items that I always have with me when I paddle are my Motorola Barrage cellphone and my Garmin eTrex Venture HC GPS unit. The Barrage isn't the most stylish cellphone made nor does it have a lot of the features that people can't seem to live without today. What is does have though is a military spec rating and it's dustproof, shockproof, and waterproof. I've paddled with a lot of people who have required new cellphones after a day on the water. I just make sure that my battery is fully charged, then put it in the pocket of my PFD and I don't have to worry about it. Most places around here that I've paddled have had adequate phone service if I've needed it. If I'm paddling alone I check in with Robbin every so often to let her know where I am and what's going on.
My Garmin GPS unit is also waterproof and has a track-back feature that will keep you heading in the right direction if you should happen to lose your way back. With a GPS unit you always know exactly where you are and you can give a pin-point coordinate of your location should you need help. I wear this around my neck so where I go my GPS goes.
These stories have me thinking of adding an emergency kit to my outfitting. It might not be a bad idea to carry along a lighter, some fatwood, a space blanket, raincoat, and some energy bars in a waterproof box and attach it to my PFD....just encase.... You can never be too prepared.
Hi Mark! I'm disappointed that it takes tragic and "near" tragic paddling events for some kayakers to take the proper precautions before venturing out under cold conditions. I guess I'm somewhat naive and think all paddlers "should" know what safety gear to pack and to practice safe paddling at all times. Hopefully my blog post and yours will continue to raise awareness on the importance of paddling safety. Dress appropriately for the weather conditions and wear your PFD at all times! It can be a matter of life or death.