In my previous post I described the apparel that I wear when I kayak in colder conditions. I put that outfit together on my second attempt. My first attempt resulted in an outfit that definitely wasn't what I was looking for, but it did provide great amusement for my wife.

I'm surprised that she got so clear a picture with her cellphone camera as she was laughing hysterically as she snapped it. She told me that I looked like the Gorton Fisherman then promptly forwarded the photo to our niece who shared her amusement (I believe the word "dork" was used).
I've never being accused of having "fashion sense" so I could have lived with the ridicule if my purchase had been what I really needed. Fortunately NRS has a liberal return policy and I was able to send it back without problem.
I've learned the following:
1. I'm not a normal sized human. NRS sizing info doesn't apply to me. Err on the smaller side. The large pants they said that I required would have fit someone 50 lbs. heavier and 6" taller. Wearing baggy pants that looked like they needed to be cuffed did not help my cause (remember the "dork" reference).
2. When the description of a product says Breathable/No, you don't want it. It holds in all of your body heat and moisture like one of those old weight-loss suits. I was sweating profusely minutes after putting on my bright yellow Rios jacket and pants. I'm sure this was the proper apparel for someone, but not for me.
3. Heavy, pre-curved neoprene gloves may be great if you're paddling in the Arctic, but lighter gloves with a liner work better for me. I missed the boat on the sizing here also. I ordered large gloves and they looked and fit like a baseball glove.
The most important thing that I learned however, was.........
4. Never try things on in front of your wife when she has a camera in her hand!
Hey Mark! You are certainly NOT making a fashion statement here! Recommend you stop by your local paddling sports store and get fitted properly for a wet / dry suit. ;-)